We have a vast experience in the development of retail loss prevention technologies and have installed over 20,000 EAS systems in over 20 countries worldwide. We understand the importance of the design and flow of the store entrance on customer engagement, and that open architecture is crucial to this
The Solution
Loss Prevention solutions form a crucial part of our in-store RFID ecosystem. POS Readers installed at each till point read the unique RFID code of each purchased item. Exit Readers, located overhead, underfloor or as conventional EAS pedestals identify each item leaving the store without being purchased. In merging data from all read points within the store, our Loss Prevention solutions can accurately identify specific losses in a store, providing fast, actionable data.
Each item entering the fitting room can be covertly or overtly identified without impacting the customer experience with discreet alerts created if inventory tags are removed or swapped
The Impact
The removal of unsightly EAS pedestals allows for improved store design and aesthetics
Reduction in false alarms as only security tags relating to your store will alarm the system – all other tags are filtered out.
Advanced filters enable mannequins and tagged items to be located closer to the entrance, and will ignore static security tags. The systems can be set to only alarm on tags exiting the store
Contact TAG to learn more about how our Loss Prevention Solutions can improve multiple business metrics
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